QDominoes Description

Game is played by Guest player(You) in partnership with a computer player 'sitting' in front, against 2 computer players(Host) also in a partnership.

Game is opened by a randomly picked player, and played until either side gets a score of 100 or more points.

After opening, game continues to next player. If player has a playing card, that card is shown, if not then a number in red is shown in front of player, indicating passing numbers.

There is a delay between each player's move. Only the end points are shown.
Game stops at Guest player, known as player 0 when green flag shows, if player has a playing card. If not, passing number in shown and continues counter-clock to player 1.

Guest player decides which card to play by clicking on card. Then that card will show in red.

In case Guest plays a card that could be laid at either end. Guest must click either the upper or lower part of playing card.

For example, left end shows a Two, and right end shows a Three, and playing card is a Two-Four. It can only be laid on left end. If playing card had been a Two-Three, then Guest must choose which side of card to click. By clicking the Two side, then left and right end will show a Three.

When a Round is played, a message shows the winner of this round, and all previous rounds.